Thursday, November 7, 2013

The slowing down of circles and movements

Either way, science seems to think that people are stupid and the world is going to end every day now.

People are like, "What? No man, fuck that, I don't want the world to end!".

But all the science people were like, "No, we're sorry mam but it's gonna happen. For sure. Any damning day now."

So then we took all of our sweaters.

And we took all of our records.

And we took all of our shirts and sleeves,

cars and TV's,

and we threw them into one big hole in the ground.

We held a candlelight vigil for them. Then we set it on fire.

We set it on fucking fire until it turned into static ash.

We get to live a little bit longer thankfully. More of us die now, though. A lot of times the kids go play in the ash and get electrocuted.

But any time now, it's gonna come. The day where all of our hair burns out of our sockets and we turn inside out.

"Tell my wife that I loved her".